MoVTeNbO,双模板剂,介孔结构,丙烯氧化," /> MoVTeNbO,双模板剂,介孔结构,丙烯氧化,"/> MoVTeNbO,double templating agent,mesoporous structure,propylene oxidation,"/> <p class="MsoNormal"> <span>双模板剂合成介孔</span><span>MoVTeNbO</span><span>复合金属氧化物及其催化性能研究</span>
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沈阳化工大学学报, 2023, 37(5): 410-420    doi: 10.3969/j.issn.2095-2198.2023.05.004
  化学与化学工程 本期目录 | 过刊浏览 | 高级检索 |


沈阳化工大学 化学工程学院, 辽宁 沈阳 110142

Synthesis of Mesoporous MoVTeNbO Composite Metal Oxides with Dual Templates and Their Catalytic Performance

Shenyang University of Chemical TechnologyShenyang 110142China

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分别使用PEG/CTAB以及OP/CTAB为双模板剂,诱导合成了具有介孔结构的MoVTeNbO复合金属氧化物催化剂,并将其应用于丙烯选择性氧化制丙烯酸.结果表明:使用双模板剂CTAB/PEG,且当nMo)∶nV)∶nTe)∶nNb)∶nPEG)∶nCTAB=10.340.220.130.0560.047时,能够诱导MoVTeNbO复合金属氧化物形成分布均一的介孔结构,孔径分布集中在4~10 nm,孔容为0.058 cm3/g;采用OP/CTAB为双模板剂时,添加不同比例的模板剂均能诱导合成具有明显介孔结构的MoVTeNbO复合金属氧化物催化剂,而且当nMo)∶nV)∶nTe)∶nNb)∶nOP)∶nCTAB=10.340.220.130.0110.044时,合成的OP-2催化剂孔径分布集中在7~14 nm,孔容为0.132 cm3/g;在催化丙烯氧化制丙烯酸反应中表现出良好的催化活性,对丙烯酸的选择性最高可达82%,与不使用OP/CTAB制备的催化剂相比,对丙烯酸的选择性提高了至少22.78%.

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MoVTeNbO  双模板剂  介孔结构  丙烯氧化    


Cetyltrimethylammonium bromide(CTAB)and polyethylene glycol(PEG),as well as CTAB and polyethylene glycol octylphenylmethylene(OP)were used as dual templating agents to induce the synthesis of MoVTeNbO composite metal oxide catalysts with mesoporous structure.The synthesized catalysts were applied to the selective oxidation of propylene to acrylic acid.The results show that when using the dual template agents CTAB and PEG,MoVTeNbO composite metal oxide can be induced to form a mesoporous structure with uniform pore size distribution concentrated at 4~10 nm and pore volume of 0.058 cm3/g under nMo)∶nV)∶nTe)∶nNb)∶nPEG)∶nCTAB=10.340.220.130.0560.047.When CTAB and OP were used as dual template agents with different concentrations,mesoporous MoVTeNbO catalysts could also be induced to synthesize,in which, when nMo)∶nV)∶nTe)∶nNb)∶nOP)∶nCTAB=10.340.220.130.0110.044,the pore size distribution was concentrated in the range of 7-14 nm with pore capacity of 0.132 cm3/g.The synthesized catalyst showed good catalytic activity in the oxidation of propylene to acrylic acid,the selectivity of acrylic acid could reach up to 82%.Compared with the catalyst prepared without CTAB and OP,the selectivity of acrylic acid was increased by at least 22.78%.

Key words:  MoVTeNbO')" href="#">

MoVTeNbO    double templating agent    mesoporous structure    propylene oxidation

               出版日期:  2023-10-27      发布日期:  2024-06-06      整期出版日期:  2023-10-27




通讯作者:  于三三   
作者简介:  李双明(1982—),男,山西平遥人,副教授,博士,主要从事金属氧化物构效关系的研究.
李双明, 王宇娇, 张杰, 陈雅南, 王一雯, 刘东琦, 于三三.

双模板剂合成介孔MoVTeNbO复合金属氧化物及其催化性能研究 [J]. 沈阳化工大学学报, 2023, 37(5): 410-420.
LI Shuangming, WANG Yujiao, ZHANG Jie, CHEN Yanan, WANG Yiwen, LIU Dongqi, YU Sansan.

Synthesis of Mesoporous MoVTeNbO Composite Metal Oxides with Dual Templates and Their Catalytic Performance . Journal of Shenyang University of Chemical Technology, 2023, 37(5): 410-420.

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