Cd-MOF,荧光光谱法,硝基咪唑类抗生素,荧光内滤效应," /> Cd-MOF,荧光光谱法,硝基咪唑类抗生素,荧光内滤效应,"/> Cd-MOF,fluorescence spectroscopy,nitroimidazole antibiotics,fluorescence internal filter effect,"/> <p class="MsoPlainText"> <span>金属</span><span>-有机骨架(MOF)高灵敏检测水中的硝基咪唑类抗生素</span>
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沈阳化工大学学报, 2023, 37(5): 401-409    doi: 10.3969/j.issn.2095-2198.2023.05.003
  化学与化学工程 本期目录 | 过刊浏览 | 高级检索 |


沈阳化工大学 化学工程学院, 辽宁 沈阳 110142

Highly Sensitive Detection of Nitroimidazole Antibiotics in Water Using Metal-Organic Framework(MOF)

Shenyang University of Chemical TechnologyShenyang 110142China

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关键词:  Cd-MOF')" href="#">

Cd-MOF  荧光光谱法  硝基咪唑类抗生素  荧光内滤效应    


A novel Cd-MOF was synthesized and used as a fluorescence sensor for rapid,simple,and reliable fluorescence recognition and detection of nitroimidazole antibiotics in water.Fluorescence spectra investigation have shown that the complex exhibits high selectivity and sensitivity,excellent response ability,and low detection limit towards metronidazole(ODZ),metronidazole(DTZ),and metronidazole(MDZ)(2.66×10-3μmol/L,1.465×10-3μmol/L,2.66×10-3μmol/L for ODZ,DTZ and MDZ,separately).The sensing mechanism of Cd-MOF was analyzed by UV absorption spectroscopy,and the experimental results showed that the fluorescence quenching of Cd-MOF by nitroimidazole antibiotics was attributed to the fluorescence internal filtration effect.The synthesized Cd-MOF has broad development prospects and is expected to achieve practical detection of nitroimidazole antibiotics in water.

Key words:  Cd-MOF')" href="#">

Cd-MOF    fluorescence spectroscopy    nitroimidazole antibiotics    fluorescence internal filter effect

               出版日期:  2023-10-27      发布日期:  2024-06-06      整期出版日期:  2023-10-27




通讯作者:  吴双妍   
作者简介:  杨硕(1999—),女,辽宁朝阳人,硕士研究生在读,主要从事MOF材料的制备和应用研究.
杨硕, 王萍萍, 王冰, 毛丽颖, 王颖, 朱明昌, 吴双妍.

金属-有机骨架(MOF)高灵敏检测水中的硝基咪唑类抗生素 [J]. 沈阳化工大学学报, 2023, 37(5): 401-409.
YANG Shuo, WANG Pingping, WANG Bing, MAO Liying, WANG Ying, ZHU Mingchang, WU Shuangyan.

Highly Sensitive Detection of Nitroimidazole Antibiotics in Water Using Metal-Organic Framework(MOF) . Journal of Shenyang University of Chemical Technology, 2023, 37(5): 401-409.

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