两亲性,雪人状Janus颗粒,磁性,油水分离,功能高分子," /> 两亲性,雪人状Janus颗粒,磁性,油水分离,功能高分子,"/> amphiphilic,snowman-like Janus particles,magnetic,separation of oil and water,functional polymer material,"/> <p class="MsoNormal"> <span>两亲性雪人状</span><span>Janus</span><span>颗粒用于油水分离</span>
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沈阳化工大学学报, 2023, 37(5): 449-456    doi: 10.3969/j.issn.2095-2198.2023.05.009
  材料科学与工程 本期目录 | 过刊浏览 | 高级检索 |


1.沈阳化工大学 材料科学与工程学院, 辽宁 沈阳 1101422.北方华锦化学工业股份有限公司, 辽宁 盘锦 124021

Amphiphilic Snowman-Like Janus Particles for Separation of Oil and Water

(1.Shenyang University of Chemical Technology, Shenyang 110142, China;2.North Huajin Chemical Industries Group Corporation, Panjin 124021, China)

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两亲性  雪人状Janus颗粒  磁性  油水分离  功能高分子    


The snowman-like Janus particles with strict partition were synthesized by seed swelling emulsion polymerization induced phase separation.The two side partition structures were continuously modified,and the amphiphilic snowman-like Janus particles with magnetic were prepared.One side of the particle has hydrophilic imidazole group(Im),and the other side of the particle has a long chain of hydrophobic alkyl(C18),which has a strong loading capacity of the oil phase for separation of oil and water.Meanwhile,the particles have paramagnetic responsiveness.The particles can stabilize at the oil-water interface and control the move of emulsified droplets under magnetic field for separation of oil and water.The particles can be recycled which is conform to the requirements of green chemistry.The method for preparing functional Janus particles is universal,and a series of Janus particles with different compositions and functions can be obtained through different modifications on both sides,which provides a new ideafor the preparation of advanced functional polymer materials.

Key words:  amphiphilic')" href="#">

amphiphilic    snowman-like Janus particles    magnetic    separation of oil and water    functional polymer material

               出版日期:  2023-10-27      发布日期:  2024-06-06      整期出版日期:  2023-10-27




作者简介:  张琳林(1992—),女,内蒙古呼伦贝尔人,讲师,博士,主要从事功能性高分子复合非均质Janus材料的制备及性能研究
张琳林1, 冯军1, 陈奇男2, 陈晨1, 张馨予1.

两亲性雪人状Janus颗粒用于油水分离 [J]. 沈阳化工大学学报, 2023, 37(5): 449-456.
ZHANG Linlin1, FENG Jun1, CHEN Qinan2, CHEN Chen1, ZHANG Xinyu1.

Amphiphilic Snowman-Like Janus Particles for Separation of Oil and Water . Journal of Shenyang University of Chemical Technology, 2023, 37(5): 449-456.

https://xuebao.syuct.edu.cn/CN/10.3969/j.issn.2095-2198.2023.05.009  或          https://xuebao.syuct.edu.cn/CN/Y2023/V37/I5/449



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