标签传播,点密度,故障分类," /> 标签传播,点密度,故障分类,"/> label propagation,dot density,fault classification,"/> <p class="MsoNormal"> 基于点密度标签传播的工业过程故障分类
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沈阳化工大学学报, 2022, 36(5): 438-445    doi: 10.3969/j.issn.2095-2198.2022.05.008
  信息与计算机工程 本期目录 | 过刊浏览 | 高级检索 |


(1. 沈阳化工大学 化学工程学院,辽宁 沈阳 110142;

(2. 沈阳化工大学 信息工程学院,辽宁 沈阳 110142

(3. 沈阳化工大学 辽宁省工业环境-资源协同控制与优化技术重点实验室,辽宁 沈阳 110142

Fault Classification Based on Dot Density Label Propagation for Industrial Processes

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关键词:  标签传播')" href="#">

标签传播  点密度  故障分类    


In industrial process monitoring,labeled data plays a very important role in improving the performance of fault classification However,it is difficult to obtain a large amount of labeled data because it takes a lot of manpower and material resources to label the process data Aiming at the problem of limited labeled data and fault classification,label prediction method and fault classification method based on dot density label propagation (DDLP) is proposed Firstly,DDLP method assumes that the data on the manifold have similar structures,while the nearby data have similar labels Using the distribution characteristics and the dot density of the data,this method considers the internal relationship between unlabeled data and historical data,a new definition for the initial label matrix is given,which is significance to label propagation,and propagates labels from labeled data to unlabeled data Moreover,a fault classification method based on point density label propagation-semisupervised fisher discriminant analysis (DDLP-SFDA) is proposed Furthermore,taking the Toy data and penicillin fermentation process as example,the results show that the proposed method has good label prediction performance and fault classification performance.

Key words:  label propagation')" href="#">

label propagation    dot density    fault classification

               出版日期:  2022-10-30      发布日期:  2024-03-22      整期出版日期:  2022-10-30




作者简介:  谢莹(1986—),女,辽宁辽阳人,讲师,博士,主要从事基于数据的过程监控研究.
谢莹, 胡范超, 刘雪伟.

基于点密度标签传播的工业过程故障分类 [J]. 沈阳化工大学学报, 2022, 36(5): 438-445.
XIE Ying HU Fan-chao LIU Xue-wei.

Fault Classification Based on Dot Density Label Propagation for Industrial Processes . Journal of Shenyang University of Chemical Technology, 2022, 36(5): 438-445.

https://xuebao.syuct.edu.cn/CN/10.3969/j.issn.2095-2198.2022.05.008  或          https://xuebao.syuct.edu.cn/CN/Y2022/V36/I5/438

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