多目标优化,投影面,进化算法,目标范围限定," /> 多目标优化,投影面,进化算法,目标范围限定,"/> multi-objective optimization,projection plane,evolutionary algorithm,objective scope limit,"/> <p class="MsoNormal"> 基于投影面的多目标优化问题目标分解进化算法
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沈阳化工大学学报, 2024, 38(2): 185-192    doi: 10.3969/j.issn.2095-2198.2024.02.015
  信息与计算机工程 本期目录 | 过刊浏览 | 高级检索 |


1.沈阳化工大学 计算机科学与技术学院, 辽宁 沈阳 1101422.辽宁省化工过程工业智能化技术重点实验室, 辽宁 沈阳 110142

Evolutionary Algorithm for Solving Multi-Objective Optimization Problem Based on Projection Plane with Objective Decomposition

1.Shenyang University of Chemical Technology, Shenyang 110142, China; 2. Key Laborotary of Industrial Intelligence Technology on Chemical Process, Shenyang 110142, China

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关键词:  多目标优化')" href="#">

多目标优化  投影面  进化算法  目标范围限定    


In order to solve the question that the multi-objective optimization problem with many solutions,this paper studies how to obtain the required solutions under decision condition,rather than all the solutions of the multi-objective problem.At present,the existing multi-objective algorithms mainly focus on the distribution and convergence of the solutions,and rarely consider the number of solutions.According to decision condition,using the multi-objective optimization algorithm based on plane to decompose the objective function of the multi-objective optimization problem,and different objective functions are divide into the plane and free dimension,so the objective space under the users decision conditions is established.In the objective space,limit the objective range of the objective function that constitutes the projection plane in the objective space,use the spatial distance to obtain the fitness of the projection plane,and use the aggregation function in the MOEA/D algorithm based on the decomposition strategy as the fitness function on the free dimension.Through related experimental tests and analysis,it is proved that Evolutionary Algorithm for solving Multi-objective Optimization Problem Based on Projection Plane with objective decomposition can effectively solve the multi-objective optimization problem of determining the objective domain.

Key words:  multi-objective optimization')" href="#">

multi-objective optimization    projection plane    evolutionary algorithm    objective scope limit

               出版日期:  2024-04-30      发布日期:  2025-01-02      整期出版日期:  2024-04-30
通讯作者:  陈未如   
作者简介:  刘宝(1994—),男,山西太原人,硕士研究生在读,主要从事多目标优化问题和进化算法的研究.
刘宝1, 2, 杨爽1, 2, 马畅畅1, 2, 鹿晓梦1, 2, 陈未如1, 2.

基于投影面的多目标优化问题目标分解进化算法 [J]. 沈阳化工大学学报, 2024, 38(2): 185-192.
LIU Bao1, 2, YANG Shuang1, 2, MA Changchang1, 2, LU Xiaomeng1, 2, CHEN Weiru1, 2.

Evolutionary Algorithm for Solving Multi-Objective Optimization Problem Based on Projection Plane with Objective Decomposition . Journal of Shenyang University of Chemical Technology, 2024, 38(2): 185-192.

https://xuebao.syuct.edu.cn/CN/10.3969/j.issn.2095-2198.2024.02.015  或          https://xuebao.syuct.edu.cn/CN/Y2024/V38/I2/185

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